- Parshat ha-Shavuah
- Chumash
- Chagim
- Ivrit
- Tefilah
Resources: L’Havin U’Lehaskil; Sha-Shel Menucha; Teacher made materials
*Participants in the Middot program
Language Arts
Reading: Retell stories, distinguish between literal and nonliteral language; character development; formulate opinions; compare and contrast various texts; explore plots, settings, themes; use leveled readers to differentiate; read to self to create a number of different book reports
Writing: Develop and organize appropriate tasks; research and publish writing; support opinions; use temporal words and phrases to signal event order; grammar rules
Resources: McGraw-Hill Reading Series; Handwriting Without Tears; Teacher made materials
Students develop understanding of fractions as numbers to represent them in a number of ways. Using basic understanding of numbers, students represent and solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Students understand the relationship between multiplication and division. The students are encouraged to use the interactive text to bring learning to life and foster interactions with mathematical concepts in a variety of ways.
Interpret data; recognize shapes and their attributes; place value; measurement and estimation
Resources: McGraw-Hill My Math; Teacher made materials
In our hands-on science lab and outdoor garden area, students explore and observe the following topics:
- Solar system
- Forces/engineering
- Habitats
- Weathering and erosion
- Properties of matter
Social Studies
- Communities & Cultures- Understanding the World & People Around Us
- Geography
- Immigration
- Citizenship & Government
Resources: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; Teacher made materials
*Student Government Participants – Representative & Secretary
Additional Co-Curricular: Art, Technology, Music, Physical Education