ECC Bereishit Fair
In OCA’s Early Childhood Center, students experienced each day of creation during our Bereshit Fair. The fair took place in our Sensory/Gross Motor room. Every day the children would go to this special room and we discussed what Hashem created and had a special project integrated into this learning experience.
Day 1:
Hashem created light and dark, day and night. The children had their own flashlights and we discussed shadows,and the meaning of light and dark. How does it feel to be in a dark room? We made white and black playdough as they created stars, and different shapes with the playdough.
Day 2:
Hashem created the seas and sky. We made a rain cloud with shaving cream and food coloring. We showed the children that clouds form when the vapor rises into the air, and then the condensation collects in the clouds. (Using shaving cream in a glass and sprinkling different food coloring drops on top. As it gets heavier the rain colorful rain droplets were in the glass.
Day 3:
Hashem created grass, flowers and trees. We made grass heads using stockings, grass seed and potting soil.
Day 4:
Hashem created the sun,moon and stars.We read a story about how the moon glows and created sensory bottles with water, baby oil, glitter and stars.
Day 5:
Hashem created birds and fish. We made an edible rice cake fish.Spreading cream cheese on top of the rice cake, used olives for the eyes and red and green peppers for the fins and tail.
Day 6:
Wild animals, mommy and daddy. The children had a dress up day as animals weaning animal masks, reading animal books and making their own masks.
Day 7:
Shabbat Shalom! Hashem rested. We made challah together and the children took the challah home for Shabbat.