Schedule of Grandparents/Special Friends Day
- 9:00am-9:15am Registration in Building C
- 9:15am-9:45am Classroom time in the ECC (Building C)
- 9:45-10:00am Registration in the HSOSC Auditorium lobby for those who haven’t registered yet
- 10:00am Light Breakfast in the HSOSC Auditorium
- 10:15am Program with select student presentations in the HSOSC Auditorium
- 11:00am-11:30am Elementary School Classroom Time in Buildings A and B (Session I)
- 11:45am-12:15pm Elementary School Classroom Time in Buildings A and B (Session II)
Helpful Tips for Grandparents/Special Friends Day
- Please review the detailed schedule of when registration is for Grandparents/Special Friends Day as it pertains to your child(ren). ECC registration takes place outside the ECC building from 9:00am-9:15am. For grandparents of Elementary students only, registration will take place from 9:45am-10:00am in the HSOSC Auditorium lobby. For grandparents who have both ECC and Elementary grandchildren, they will begin in the ECC and will then be directed to the HSOSC Auditorium after ECC classroom time. After the breakfast and program, all grandparents with Elementary school children will be directed to Building A or B for the classroom sessions. We will have people directing traffic, parking and movement between buildings.
- If a grandparent/special friend has multiple students within a division, they may divide up their classroom time as needed. Each guest will receive a customized schedule, including a listing of where to find each student they are visiting.
- If you anticipate that the grandparent/special friend will have difficulty walking between the different buildings or up the stairs in Building A, please email jerez@ohrchadashbaltimore.org so we can make accommodations.